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Helutrans in Shanghai’s annual art week

Our Shanghai team, supported by its Singapore and Hong Kong reinforcements, was heavily involved in Shanghai art scene’s busiest week of the year. The team spent the week shuttling between Art021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair and West Bund Art & Design, providing logistical support for galleries such as Ben Brown Fine Arts, White Cube and Lisson Gallery.

In between, our art handlers were also assigned to Christie’s Preview and Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai.

YH Conservation in Singapore Art Week 2020

As YH Conservation closes in on its 4th year in Singapore, the joint-venture that Helutrans had undertaken have made steady progress. While juggling projects with private and corporate collectors, the studio has been able to work with institutions such as National Gallery Singapore and Art Science Museum, and more recently, a conservation project on a Cheong Soo Pieng piece in conjunction with Hwa Chong Institution’s 100th year anniversary. The studio was also not limited to projects in Singapore, and had undertaken projects regionally too.

In this journey, YH Conservation and Helutrans have come to see the importance in providing general awareness on art conservation. In an effort to help the art community and general public understand conservation better, YH Conservation will be conducting workshops and open house from 11 to 19 January 2020, as part of National Arts Council’s Singapore Art Week 2020. To register your interest in participating, please email to info@yhconservation.com.